Tuesday 26 October 2010

Mind Reading

It's instant amnesia, really.

You can visit my hypnosis mp3 download site for a free feel-good therapy.

Thursday 14 October 2010

NHS Approved Hypnotherapy

Open Question

Where can I find NHS approved hypnotherapy or an NHS registered hypnotherapist?

My Answer


The short answer is there is no such thing as NHS approved hypnotherapy, and there is no register of NHS approved hypnotherapists.

If you are interested, here's the longer answer.

The National Health Service (NHS) does not fund treatment by hypnotherapy normally. Any patient who wants to be receive hypnotherapy on the NHS (so that they don't have to pay for it themselves) must first convince their GP that it's a good idea.

If the GP really does think it is a good idea the GP will have to make an application to their Primary Care Trusts (PCT) Exceptional Treatments Panel (ETP). The ETP usually sits once a month to consider such applications. If the GP is to be successful, they will have to persuade the ETP of two things; firstly that the treatment they are recommending is likely to be effective and, secondly, that there are compelling reasons why their patient should get this exceptional treatment when no one else is getting it.

In reality, the GP is unlikely to want to make an application to the ETP. If they did, they would find it difficult to satisfy the efficacy test as it is such an individual treatment. (That is, the fact that I was able to use hypnotherapy to cure one person of a phobia this morning does not guarantee that I will be able to cure someone else of the same phobia in the afternoon.) If. Somehow, they manage to get over the efficacy hurdle, then they will have to prove their patient merits hypnotherapy for, say, chronic stress, when all the other chronically stressed people in the area don't.

For these three reasons, the NHS hardly ever funds hypnotherapy and has no need to 'approve' it, or any of it's practitioners. In fact the National Institute for Clinical Excellence(NICE) has' approved' hypnotherapy as a possible treatment for refractory irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); that is, chronic IBS that has not responded to any other treatment for a period of 12 months.

When hypnotherapists advertised themselves as providing 'NHS Approved' hypnotherapy, they are misleading potential patients. Hypnotherapy colleges have been know to teach that the British Medical Association (BMA) 'recognised hypnotherapy as a mainstream medical practice in 1955'. I have not seen the original pronouncement but my understanding is that in April 1955 the BMA approved the use of hypnosis in the areas of psychoneuroses and hypnoanesthesia in pain management in childbirth and surgery. That does not amount to universal approval. Also, it should be noted, the BMA is a staff-representative organisation, rather like a trade union. It is not the National Health Service.

As so very little hypnotherapy is ever done under the auspices of the NHS, it really has no need for a register of approved hypnotherapists and there is no such register. There are a couple of organizations with names like NHS 247, and the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Therapists, which make themselves out to be part of or at least very closely linked to the NHS. They are neither. They are independent commercial operations whose revenue comes from selling advertising space to hypnotherapists who are led to believe they are gaining some sort of NHS-backed credibility by signing-up.

These operations tend to style the NHS part of their logo very similarly to that of the actual NHS; a ruse likely to deceive both the therapists who buy advertising with them, and potential patients who see “Member of the NHS Directory” on their websites.

I am a clinical hypnotist. I work in private practice at the Mindsci Clinic. I also work with the Occupational Health Department of Kingston Hospital, which is an NHS hospital, and have done for seven years. I have an ID (see below) which say I am a Clinical Hypnotist with the Occupational Health Department of Kingston Hospital (NHS) Trust, and I wouldn't claim to be NHS 'approved' – so take it from me: there is no such thing as NHS approved hypnotherapy or a register of NHS hypnotherapists. 

Best wishes

Barry Thain


Monday 11 October 2010

Porn Addiction

Nice people get addicted to watching porn just as easily as nice people get addicted to smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, gambling money and eating food.

Porn is a drug. That’s the problem. Over the last few decades, and especially with the increase in download speeds on the internet, porn has become more commonplace. Surely, the argument goes, it is better to watch a movie in which two people make love than one in which the goodies and the baddies both go in for mass murder. Any debate about porn has been about morals and exploitation.

But it’s a drug. And like other drugs it changes you. That’s right, porn changes you. It changes your values, it changes your attitudes and it changes your behaviour. Things which ought to be unacceptable become acceptable. Things which should disgust are tolerated. You do things and, later, may wonder how you ever though that was right. Porn can do this because, like every drug, it changes your brain. It actually changes the way your brain connects-up and it changes the way your brain functions. Porn changes your brain, and it changes you.

Without going too deeply into the neurobiology, ease of access and novelty are two highly addictive characteristics of drugs. One of the reasons cigarettes are more addictive than, say, cocaine, is that you can get them cheaply at the local store. Like any other drug your brain gets used to it after a while so you need more and better, or different, to get the same high – which high is a hit of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. The internet provides porn addicts with an infinite array of free porn on demand.

Every fresh image or movie clip induces facilitates another dopamine hit. And as most porn addicts are men and as many of them play with themselves whilst watching, the effects are clearly not only neuro-biological.

So what’s wrong with that?

Sooner or later those guys won’t be able to perform in bed. Their brain gets used to dopamine hits arriving every few seconds. When they have sex with their partner they may get an erection quickly but then they lose it again, just as quickly. Although, consciously, they want to have a nice, long session with their partner, their brain soon realises it isn’t going to get a dopamine hit every few seconds and, so, gives up because it isn’t worth the effort.

I’ve treated a lot of guys for erectile dysfunctions and they were all able to maintain an erection whilst watching porn. It’s no coincidence. It isn’t about the stress of having to please another person. It’s about the brain habituating to a drug, porn, and thus needing more and new, more and new, more and new to get high.

The good news is, your brain can be unwired, as it were, and you can return to normal sexual activity. Just stop watching porn and stop playing with yourself. Stop watching porn and stop playing with yourself now and in a couple of months, maybe three, your brain will just love the nice, steady flow of dopamine it gets when you take someone to bed.

Just stop on your own. It’s easy. Make a commitment, delete the links, destroy the collections and find something more productive to do with all the free time you are going to have.

If you think you might not manage it quite so easily on your own, my Overcome Porn Addiction hypnosis mp3 might help. But if you’re going to quit, do it now. Instantly. Snap decisions work much better than analysis when it comes to breaking habits and overcoming addictions.

Friday 1 October 2010

Hypnotism for Hypnotherapists

Unaccustomed as I am to self-promotion I hesitate to post the following kind words but if my DVD can help one practising hypnotherapist it may actually be of use to others too.

“As a full-time working hypnotist, I have to say Barry's material has helped me to re-focus on the hypnotic aspect of the helping work that we do.  After applying not just the techniques but also the very powerful underlying attitude and intent, I have certainly seen an intensification in the hypnotic experiences of my clients and the resulting benefits.  This is important because hypnosis is what people want and expect when they go to see a hypnotist, and it's what makes everything else we do, the "therapy stuff", actually work.

“His teaching is simple and direct, without being simplistic or superficial.  There is a great deal of depth behind it.  It is clearly the result of REAL experience with people in a clinical setting, not just demonstrations.  His presentation is authoritative, yet refreshingly free from arrogance and self-delusional overconfidence.

“I also very much enjoy how it seems that the only thing he is dogmatic about is that hypnosis is a distinct experience, and that hypnotists should have the ability to create that experience for other people.  In other words, hypnotists should be able to hypnotize!  That might seem obvious, but I think there is ample evidence that many "certified hypnotists" have merely learned how to get people to close their eyes and relax (if even that).

“The title of the course itself, "Hypnotism for Hypnotherapists", is deceptively simple and represents a deeper principle being communicated in this material.  This DVD is essential for anyone who wants to become a better hypnotist in order to multiply their effectiveness in helping people.” 
Steve Roh
Philadelphia PA